Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Effective participatory farmer learning and linkage through study circle in member-based Farmer organisation


There is a shortage of public extension service providers (1: 1,900) in Africa but farmers need not be denied an opportunity to learn, even under such circumstances. Study circles can play a major and important role in this situation. To get the study circle approach effective, recognition must be made that
·         Working and sustainability is through existing structures (farmer organisations) but the FOs must remaining relevant to their members
·         FOs run a lean structure
·         Farmers are adults who learn for the purpose of solving a problem where they are located
·         Adults require to be treated with respect, learn at their own pace, learn best when they are active, when their knowledge and experiences are  taken into consideration
·         Other service providers work better with organised

Study circle concept

Elements of a study circle are
·         Small group of 7-16 adult people
·         Meet at a certain period repeatedly
·         Carry out planned studies
·         Under the leadership of an accepted leader
·         Work is characterised by democratic values
·         Participants exchange experiences
·         Supported by a study material
·         Study circle work depend on active contribution

Application of study circles

Farmer organisations at various levels support participatory learning and linkage of their members in community through existing structures, while they represent their members at national level.

Scaling up

To scale up application and use of study circles the following must be done:
·         Map credible, non-political and representation national farmer organisations through Regional Farmer Organisations, such as SACAU, EAFF, ROPA and PROPAC
·         Write up the concept and application model and share with farmer organisations
·         Lobby national governments to support the efforts of farmer organisations in the use of study circles

What AFAAS can do

AFAAS should do the following:
·         Invite the identified national farmer organisation
·         Facilitate the sharing process
·         Lobby national governments to support the study circle concept in the farmer organisations, such as development of study material, technical visitation by extension officers
·         Facilitate cross learning among farmer organisations applying study circles

Convenor: Martin Sekeleti
Phone: +260 977 678 884

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