Founded in 2007, with 40 hectares, by 618
membership, by means of 60 US$ share per member and production of 30 tons of
maize equivalent to 60 US$ per season. Now if you assess what was changed at IABM
Cooperative through extensions services gainedis like a miracle.
In the beginning of 2012 a project called
improving productivity and market access implementing by RWARRI and funded by
AGRA emerge in Muhanga District to support smallholders farmers at that time
IABM Cooperatives was bit organized in term of institution development the need
was on how they can increase production and quality, linkage to financial
institutions,connection to high potential market and working with probable partners.
By conducting training of trainers and
training reserved to Cooperativeleaders in different themes this enabled Cooperative
to increase maize production from 1.5tons/ha to 4tons/ha, they are dealing with
financial institutions where they received a loan from bank to buy truck which
is using to transport the produce to the market, a micro miller processing will
soon implanted in partnership with Canadian Cooperative Association (CCA)in the
course of the Cooperative capacity assessed by donor.
Generally life conditions of members were
changed where every member is capable to pay his mutually health insurance, pay
school fees for their childrenin addition to that all members have opened
account in financial institutions and many were created others income
generating activities.
Now the IABM Cooperative is characterized
by 216 consolidated lands, 755 memberships where 499 are female the share per
member is 390 US$ and last season they got a maize production of 900Tonsequivalent
to 390 697US$.
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