Thursday, 8 August 2013

Closing Ceremony

Local Organising Botwana Team

AFAAS General Assembly


We visited two farms that show that farming is not for the faint-hearted. It is easier talked about than done. That is why most of us make a living out of talking about it rather than from it.

  1. Targeting farmers with broad range of needs

Met two farmers doing dairy in an agro-ecologically beef area. One introduced dairy to get daily income to cover daily needs

2/3. How to develop self-motivated farmers’ organizations

The farmers already have a dairy association and they should continue to use it to lobby for appropriate services for their industry.

4. How to deal with deal with gender and youth

The two farms we visited integrated the youth in a very positive way. In one case the son was prepared to take over as 5th generation farmer on the farm. In the second case, the son was an integral part of the farm – had gone to US to work on a farm and was sending modern farm equipment to the farm.

5. How to deal with climate change

We visited a 3rd farm on which the farmer had removed all trees – and there was evidence of wind erosion.

6. How to reach sustainable financing

The first two farmers we visited were heavily in dept – which was made worse by an outbreak of foot and mouth disease which occurred in the northern part of the country. During the outbreak the farmers were not allowed to move their milk from their farms – so they threw it away.

Government compensated farmers in the northern part who where the outbreak actually took place – but nit farmers in the south who were not allowed to move their milk.

In all fairness, government should compensate these farmers as well. The dairy association should compile a dossier for government’s attention.

7. How to develop policies

Farmers should use their association to pressure government to come up with supportive policies. As it turns out, the Minister of Agriculture had avoided visiting these farmers possibly because he had not solution to their problems.

8. How to use communication technology

The farmers were already using a range of communication technology to communicate with their association members; extension service providers; suppliers of improved semen from as far as Canada; feed suppliers in South Africa; etc.

9. How to develop extension capacity

We did not meet related issues to this

10. How to facilitate institutional linkages

We did not meet related issues to this.

11. How to capacitate farmers’ access to markets + market standards

There was evidence that milk processors preferred dealing with farmers individually rather than through their association as some of the farmers were not able to deliver quality milk.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Gala dinner

Field visit





Group work - Policy

Group 1: How to develop extension policies and commitment that foster effective extension?

Concrete issues
·         Produce how-to guide to develop policies in collaboration with GFRAS policy working group
o   Define what is a policy
o   Include steps, examples, checklist to monitor progress, M&E system
·         Use CAADP African Union and regional economic communities to promote extension policy development
·         Use AFAAS-NAADS example of platform development

·         Document & share existing extension policies
·         Conduct lobbying & awareness through platforms & regional meetings
·         Create platforms for debate at national level (through country forums)
·         Form AFAAS country forums
·         Link CAADP country teams to country forums and AFAAS secretariat; get formal representation of AFAAS on CAADP country teams at national level
·         Contribute to GFRAS guide (above)

AFAAS secretariat
·         Write letters to all actors (NGOs, private sector, government, etc.) and invite to meetings
·         Develop a “who is who” in extension policy
o   Extension directors
o   Parliamentarians
o   CAADP focal points
o   Media

How will we work?
We did not discuss but we exchanged emails and tasked the champions to link between the AFAAS secretariat, policy group, and country forums; and to monitor progress on achievements and report back to group.

·         TunjiArokoyo, Nigeria, focal point
·         Ben, Sierra Leone
·         Motswane&TozamileLukhalofrom South Africa

Potential funding
·         CORAF
·         SADC
·         NEPAD
·         COMESA

Countries represented in the group
Sierra Leone
South Africa